Wednesday, March 7, 2012

crash sunday x kevin lernowich :: NMYDRMS

Review by Ben Weissenborn

Post-Aquarium Jesus and unholy king of the Tweet Elite, @crashsunday makes his return with a heady and oppressively sparse remix of Kevin Lernowich's nowhere-to-be-found-on-the-interwebs "You Can Be Awful" (where the fuck you at, K Bar?) The aptly titled "NMYDRMS" opens with a computer-fucked vocal sample that squiggles and squirms all over itself, bearing the same time-stretch-marks that adorn the flesh of the works of Balam Acab and other artists on the Tri-Angle Records roster.

An almost unbearably sparse drum pattern sneaks in, not so much propelling the track forward in any traditionally rhythmic way, but instead acting as a sort of accoutrement to highlight the barely-there nature of the track. Crash Sunday's trademark synth-pads-from-Hell come soaring in near the 1 minute mark, ensuring that the rest of the ride won't be fun, but that doesn't mean it won't be enjoyable. That vocal sample that guided us here continues to be garbled and fucked by CPU processes only @crashsunday will understand, calling out from the weight of those gargantuan synth pads and pleading for release from the heartless nature of the string of effects its being dragged through. The effect is hypnotic, lonesome and surprisingly beautiful…not to mention druggy as fuck.

When the track comes to a close (unfortunately, that happens quite quickly), you can only scratch your head and wonder where the fuck you've been for the last 3 minutes. Fortunately, you can go ahead and click that big ole pink play button and get lost in Crash Sunday's fucked and endearing world again. And again. And again. And again.

Follow Carsh in :: facebox // twets // tumblr // soundcloud

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